Sunday, November 9, 2014

Thanksgiving, My Favorite

Day 9 Te@ch Thought: What is one way you could develop the Attitude of Gratitude in your classroom or school?

Thanksgiving. That national holiday instituted by President Washington in 1789, often overlooked in our current societal push for the Christmas season. It is my favorite. And is the perfect backdrop for developing an Attitude of Gratitude with my students.

I must admit, this is a plan in progress. But at this point, my thinking is to have my students create a class slideshow, depicting the various people, events, and items that they are grateful for around our school. We can then share it and challenge other classes to create their own Attitude of Gratitude projects.

As I said, plan in progress. I will be discussing this with my students tomorrow and will keep you posted on how it goes.

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