3:05 P.M.
Our student school day runs from 8:25 A.M. to 3:15 P.M. each day. There are high points and low points throughout the day. And some days, it's harder than others to find the high points. But no matter how the day has unfolded, I find myself looking forward to 3:05 P.M. I'm sure you are thinking this is because it is almost dismissal time and you would be correct. Yes, I admit it - I look forward to my students packing up and ending each day. But for a totally different reason than the expected. No, I am not one of "those teachers" - I don't count the minutes until my students are gone. But 3:05 brings me more joy, more contentment, and more opportunity to teach than many of the hours I spend with my "kids". This is not to say that the other minutes are never filled with learning and joy - but these minutes, they are always the delight of my day. You see, at 3:05 my students come to my desk, and talk. Yes, just talk. And I LOVE it! This is when I learn about their interests; their latest book love; who might be feeling down; the goal or home run or touchdown, or award, or new dance move; the best movie to go see....I learn about THEM. And trust grows. and love grows, and interests in books grow....most of all, my heart grows. This is the time each day that, no matter how the day went, I am reminded of why I do what I do.
I love this! It's so important to say this out loud, in this time of use every minute for learning. Those 10 minutes every day are more important than most of the learning....